A car crash, fall, physical assault, or sports injury can cause a head injury. Head injuries include any injury to the scalp, brain, or skull. Some of the serious and life-threatening injuries which can occur include concussion, skull fracture, and internal swelling. Because of many head injuries’ internal nature, it can be difficult to diagnose the severity without additional testing.
If you need an emergency room near you to treat head injuries in Abilene, Express ER can help. We have short wait times, experienced medical providers, and the latest innovative medical technologies to treat a wide range of head injuries.
Why Should I Go to the Urgent Care Near Me for a Head Injury?
There can be many different causes of a head injury, but the injury could turn deadly fast if left untreated. There is also a risk of permanent brain damage associated with many head injuries. Our emergency room in Abilene treats many head injuries every year. Head injuries are common but are considered very serious. If you have suffered a head injury in Abilene, it is good to get it checked out by a medical professional. Our emergency room is open to the public for the treatment of head injuries in Abilene.