The Fatal Four: Exactly How Dangerous Is Dehydration?

Healthy woman drinking water to prevent dehydration

When it comes to people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), you want to be able to provide and care for them. Your ultimate goal is to see them succeed in life the best way that they can. The problem is that often, “The Fatal Four” can interrupt any progress that has been made and disrupt their lives, and even be deadly.

“The Fatal Four” are four major medical conditions that can lead to medical complications, especially for those who suffer with IDD. Constipation, aspiration, dehydration, and seizures are these four conditions. It is important to recognize these symptoms and head to a 24 Hour Emergency Room as soon as possible to receive treatment.

Knowing About Dehydration

Dehydration is a common occurrence, though not everyone needs to head to an Urgent Care near to them. For many people who have IDD, it could be a matter of life and death.

Dehydration can cause stress on your heart and body. Dehydration often can occur in children and young adults because they may not realize why they need to drink water.

When a child or young person is sick, it can be even harder to make sure they take the fluids they need. With someone with an ID, the task can become even more difficult. They may not be able to drink fluids on their own or they may even reject people trying to help them. This means children and young adults with IDD face higher chances of dehydration.

Recognizing Dehydration

Symptoms of Dehydration include:

  • Dry Skin
  • Dizziness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen Tongue
  • Headache
  • Decreased Urine Output

If any of these symptoms occur, one should head to the nearest Emergency Room, such as the ER in Abilene, TX

Preventing Dehydration

Prevention is always going to be key to issues like dehydration.

Pushing fluids it the universally recognized first step. Reminding people to drink water can help keep them from dehydrating.

Offering drinks other than water such as Gatorade or juice can be helpful.

Make sure there isn’t an overconsumption of caffeine or soda, because those hinder more than help. They are fluids yes, but caffeine dehydrates

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